What happens to anything that allows easy content creation with minimal effort and that is released for masses? What happens when something that earlier required tremendous amount of effort is suddenly achievable more efficiently, even mass produced? It loses value.
AI and UX: Part 1
I thought it would be interesting to write posts on what kind of impact AI is going to have for user experience. As part 1 series, I chose accessibility as a topic because it may not be obvious how AI fits in. AI doesn’t only provide powerful ways for content creation / hallusination – however you wish to phrase it, but is going to bring enhancements on our online user experiences. How? Let’s see!
The rise of Artificial Intelligence
Recent breakthroughs in Artifical Intelligence technology have been nothing more than impressive. I used to believe that creative work should be relatively shielded by AI. I believed AI would mainly be utilized in simple automation tasks; to get rid of repetitive, numbing processes. I never thought it would turn out to challenge the creative field, but here we are!
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ChatGPT experimentations!
This post includes content written entirely by Chat GPT. All credit to the amazing team at OpenAI behind the tech!
There are certain patterns that seem to occur with growth companies digital services. When you investigate how your favorite digital services have developed during their lifespan, you’ll notice that not every update is great UX. In fact, some services seem to be in a path of self-destruction in terms of usability and the value they’re supposed to provide. Most worryingly the relationship and connection with their actual users seem to be neglected. Did the services peak in their earlier years and what happened?
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Internal tool adoption
You’ve worked hard and you’ve finally reached the goal: going to production with a new system that transforms the way how a whole department operates plus provides a better customer experience for your customers. You are nervous, but with a great team around you ensuring and testing that everything works perfect – you can be relatively confident that there’s no need to be overly worried. It’s however the moment that the project have been building up for. Sometimes maybe for a long time. For me, it was over 2 years!
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How holy is your brand book?
Some companies that have a very powerful marketing department may have a dogmatic and absolute stand on brand guidelines. I understand very well that of course it’s absolutely necessary to have a coherent guideline for the visual communication in all channels. We UX designers also aim for coherency with tools like design systems, which usually are linked to brand guidelines. What I don’t understand is the inability or unwillingness to adjust the brand guidelines if they are proven to be flawed in UX sense.
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Dare to be dumb
Whenever a project starts getting very complex, I have great trick to not only simplify the concept for designers but also other stakeholders who might not be technically oriented. I like to use metaphors and simplify the idea to a level that 5-year old would understand it. I know it may sound a bit ridiculous, but it works!
Ainoana UX suunnittelijana yrityksessä
Toimin yli 3 vuotta sitten konsultin roolissa suuressa yrityksessä jossa oli kaikki pedattuna valmiiksi. Löytyi tiimiä vaikka minkänäköistä. Löytyi jopa design systeemi. Prosesseja oli pohdittu pidemmälle. Oli kollegoita ja tukea joka lähtöön eri vastuualueineen. Siirryin keskisuuren yrityksen palvelukseen jossa osa asioista uupui tai ei vastaavasti olleet ihan loppuun asti viety. Kuinka vaihto onnistui? Millaista on UX suunnittelu pienemmässä yrityksessä?
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Mitä on UX? CX? Apua!
UX on lyhenne englanninkielisestä termistä User eXperience, eli suomeksi käyttökokemus. UX:lla on siis melko vahva konkretiaan ja jonkin välineen käyttöön viittaava merkitys. Read more